Wednesday 7 January 2015

Just A Note To Say Hello

I have no idea what I'm doing.
  Despite the preconceptions that my generation are all computer whizzes and technical experts, I fail to possess the type of brain which responds well to technology. I'm the person with no patience, who freaks out when my laptop freezes and has to resist the urge to physically assault the printer when it dares to refuse my commands.
While I'd much rather physically write my thoughts down, I'd no doubt lose the pages and therefore my ramblings. This of course defeating the whole point of keeping a journal in the first place and not to mention, with the onset of the 'digital age', I'd better start adapting.
  This blog in effect will be a place for me to practice my writing skills (I study History and English at the University of Leicester) and somewhere where I can express my opinions on books, films and whatever useless rubbish pops into my head. 
  Considering I spend the majority of my life (sadly) on my laptop, it seems the perfect place to get on with some writing...although right now it is being used for procrastination and I should really be finishing the essay lingering at the bottom of my screen.
Part of my course requires me to consider all sides of an argument,so any feedback or opinions are always welcome and please take a second to comment.
'Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice' - Steve Jobs
J x